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Archive for April 2011

A woman body is actually quite delicate though complex, it must be able to handle different changes taking place and also make adjustments in each stage of her life. Whenever it concerns health for women, it will be important for each and every woman for being educated and understand how her body changes so that she can understand these changes after which adapt to them in the best possible manner.

In reality, it is also a good idea to consult a health guide for women in order to learn how to remain fit as well as know about proper exercises, the way to pamper the muscles and even tips on how to maintain a top level of activity all the time as well as in addition, to also understand the benefits of taking a supplement diet so that you can remain fitter as well as healthier.

The Best Place To Start Is From Home

The home is the best place where a woman should begin her education based on health issues, and asking their mothers about body changes is a good starting point as far as understanding health for women is concerned. Thus, simple things like knows bodily changes including menstruation must be learnt at a young age so that every young woman is able to deal with those changes and as well overcome any feelings of shock that she would feel consequently.

Another aspect to health for women understands what happens when her body hormones get out of whack, especially when she is experiencing her periods and also at the time when she is expecting a child, and finally also when she is experiencing menopause. In fact, such changes in a woman hormones might have such a profound impact on health for women that it may best be handled by becoming educated in coping with swings in moods and possible depression as well as certain severe diseases as well.

Fortunately for women towards health for women is always that today there will always be a lot more information available that can help her takes care of her health when compared with the past, and in fact, wherever she will look, there is sure to be relevant information easily available regarding her part of concern on the health for women which she can use to overcome her distress or fears.

Consult With Your Doctor

It is also a good idea to consult a doctor though she should also make use of an alternative source for studying health for women which can be the Internet where there are numerous websites that also provide helpful tips which is convenient to read especially as it does not make you feel uncomfortable discussing such matters with complete strangers.

The harsh truth is that when it concerns health for women, it is crucial that diseases are treated as soon as they occur and rather than self medicating, or hoping that the disease will disappear on its own, every woman needs to seek and acquire professional help to treat whatever is disturbing her normal health.

It is never a good idea to take health care into his or her own hands because that can further aggravate the condition and it only requires becoming better educated about health for women issues to make certain proper health. Through education it becomes possible to understand different body functions as well as its reactions and by also consulting a doctor, most health issues are easily resolved in a simple yet effective manner.

Jessie is a professional writer, both online and offline, for nearly 4 years now. Not only this author focus to write in diet, dating, fitness and weight loss; you can also check out her latest website on Patio Furniture Cushion which reviews about why Cast Aluminum Patio Furniture is perfect for the whole family.

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While many health issues affect both women and men, there are health issues that are specific to women. Yet even among women, patterns of health and illness vary. Herbal medicine is just the kind of health care to address these individual patterns of health.

Herbal medicine is the use of plants as drug. It makes use of the healing properties of plants. It is beneficial to women because it addresses health issues on a specific, personal level. The use and practice of herbal medicine dates back to prehistoric times. It is safe, and works most effectively if taken in the right amount. To reiterate, herbs have little or no side effects, they are still medicine. Therefore, use of herbs still requires utmost supervision.

Some common health issues among women include PMS, irregular cycles, depression, and menstrual migraines. If you suffer, for example, from PMS, your symptoms may vary from symptoms of another PMS sufferer. Some may experience bouts of depression, irritability, and cramps. Some may experience fatigue, migraine, and cramps.

The good news is, there are a wide variety of herbs to address a wide variety of women health issues. Just as you consult a general physician or a pharmacist for over-the-counter drugs; it is advised that women consult a practiced herbalist for the right combination and dosage of herbs. Herbalists understand that each body is different and illnesses stem from different causes. Therefore, their prescriptions are based on the overall body pattern of a patient, not only the physical symptoms.

In short, herbal medicine is a system of health care that addresses a woman's total health issue with the right herbs, and the right amount and combination of herbs. The dosage a herbalist will prescribe will depend on physical manifestations and psychological affect of a health issue on each individual. A herbalist may recommend one herb or a combination of them depending on a woman's specific health needs

That little plant called St. John's wort, for example, may just make life for women who suffer from PMS easier each month. St. John's wort has been studied to have positive effects on depressive women. If a woman suffers also from irritability, a herbalist may recommend orange peel, artichoke leaf, and licorice. If cramps, valerian, ginger, and blood-moving herbs like ginger and cayenne might relieve the sufferer from pain.

What shows here, though, is that herbal medicine does not only aim to relieve you of the physical pain, but roots out as well psychological troubles that hallmark PMS like depression and fatigue. The approach of herbal medicine, therefore, is more on the holistic side.

Again, health issues vary from woman to woman. If your synthetic, generic, over-the-counter drug does nothing to your body, natural medicine might just do the wonders that your body requires. And your body requires not only physical well-being, but also psychological well-being. Herbal medicine approaches all those health issues on a specific, and yet holistic level.

While researching and writing fro this article Natron came across another topic that he became interested in, bed bugs. He recently had a friend that was hit hard with bed bug bites and decided to write a few articles to help those with this problem.

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Women's health is not only monitored and maintained by the foods that she eats, or the exercise she completes throughout the week, but also by the status of her sexual health.

Women's sexual health is quite important because there are so many complications that can occur within a women's body that could result in life-threatening consequences.

What makes some of these sexual health issues differ from a man is not only the fact that two different genitals are involved, but also the fact that women give birth, thus increasing the complications that could arise and affect a woman's health.

Vaginal Bleeding

One of the things that affect both the sexual and overall women's health is the presence of vaginal bleeding after sex, also referred to as post-coital bleeding. If a woman is not on her period at the time, this could be a warning sign of something that needs the attention of a doctor.

Many possible culprits could cause such an act to occur. Understanding sexual and women's health is important because some causes of vaginal bleeding are common and can be easily treated with no future affects to women's sexual health, while other causes can turn into life-altering complications.

Cervical dysplasia can cause Vaginal bleeding, which means that there is the presence of precancerous cells within the lining of the cervix that could affect women's health. The risk of developing these cells is increased when a women compromises her sexual health by having sex before the age of 18; having sex with multiple partners; having a child before they turn 16 or have had a STD in the past. Cryosurgery can treat this condition, as well as other procedures before the cells turn into cervical cancer.

Cervical Polyps

Another women's health issue deals with cervical polyps, which are growths that extend, pass the cervix or cervical canal. These fragile, red, or purple pests can be easily removed without pain.

Bacterial Infections

Two well-known bacterial infections are transmitted during sex or other contact with semen, vaginal secretions or blood. They are called chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Gonorrhea offers several treatments that can be prescribed by a doctor.

Vaginitis, also called cervicitis, is the inflammation or swelling of the cervix or vagina, which is caused by an infection. Depending on what caused the vaginitis, a treatment is available.

Trichomoniasis, a sexually transmitted disease caused by a protozoan, can compromise a women's sexual health, as well as the health of their newborn. It is possible for a mother to pass this disease onto her newborn during a vaginal birth.

One of the most common infections to affect women's sexual health is the vaginal yeast infection, which is an overgrowth of harmless fungi that found in the vagina. The result is an odorless, cheese-like discharge accompanied by itching and burning. Three out of four women will have at least one yeast infection throughout their lifetime.

When a woman wishes to prevent this sort of infection from affecting her sexual health, a few preventive measures are available - women's sexual health tips concerning a yeast infection include:

· Wear white cotton panties

· Use only water-based lubricants for the vagina

· Always wipe from front to back after a bowel movement

· Eat one cup of yogurt per day when on antibiotics

· Avoid bath products containing perfume in the vaginal area

· Do not douche because it creates an attractive breeding ground for yeast to flourish.

Other sexual and women's health concerns include endometritis, uterine polyps, fibroid tumors, as well as adenomysis, which can affect the uterus and ovaries. Never ignore vaginal bleeding.

Calling a doctor immediately is the best way to solve the sexual and women's health issues.

More health and wellness information and FREE exclusive diet and health magazines, are available on our web site: http://www.net-planet.org

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In today's current times, women are more open to admitting they have experienced a sexual health issue. Sexual health issues of women are defined as inability to become aroused by their partners, pain during sexual activity, dryness experienced in their vaginal area or unbelievably an abnormal increase in desire for sexual activity.

Sexual health issues experienced by women do affect their romantic relationships. These health issues also affect their self-esteem and mental health. Stress can be a mitigating factor with women's decreased desire for sexual activity and don't forget sleep patterns which can create fatigue therefore the domino affect of lack of sleep is being too tired for sex even if the woman desires sex.

The internet is a great resource for women who are suffering from sexual health issues. Some women might even look to their significant other for help while other women seek help from their family doctor.

It is very important for women to arm themselves with knowledge on sexual health issues. Many female sexual health issues can be treated through education on the sexual health issue as well as instituting lifestyle changes. Women should be encouraged to speak to their sexual partners as well as their family doctors or any medical professional on any sexual health issues they might be experiencing.

Medical professionals contain numerous resources within our current times as compared to the past in relation to women's sexual health issues. It is critical for women to gain the knowledge of basic sexual responses as well as other emotional factors which might impact their sexuality.

When a woman is not interested in sexual activity, yet they would like to be interested the relationship which they are currently in or their marriage might be a contributing factor. Other factors could be their experiences or how their parents raised them but keep in mind there could also be a medical reason for the lack of desire for sex.

Some women experience a reduced blood flow. If a woman has high blood pressure or Diabetes, these conditions can restrict blood flow and therefore leads to sexual health issues.

Some women will experience issues with their hormones. If a woman is on birth control pills or suffering from thyroid problems or menopause these conditions can lead to a decreased desire for sex. Pregnant women who are breast feeding also experience a decreased desire for sexual activity.

If you are on medications, you might be suffering from a sexual health issue due to the side effects of the medication which you are currently taking. Anti-depressants are frequently blamed for lowering the sex drives of not only women but men. Wellbutrin is an anti-depressant which does not take away the sex drive of women and is worth mentioning to your family doctor.

If you have been exposed to pelvic surgery, this can cause nerve damage along with Parkinson's disease and Multiple Sclerosis. The nerve damage associated with these conditions can lead to a lack of desire for sex.

You should talk to your doctor or therapist right away if you are experiencing the lack of desire for sexual activity. Consultations with sex therapists can prove helpful not only with yourself but your relationship. Typically, there are always one or more factors involved with a woman's decreased sex drive. If you feel a lack of desire for sex, you can also seek the help from a sexual medicine specialist.

There are many treatments available. If you are currently on prescribed medications, you should talk to your family doctor about prescribing a medication which increases your dopamine levels which increase the blood flow in your body to your vulva and clitoris. Most women report success with these types of treatments and don't forget to exercise and seek counseling if your relationship warrants such treatment.

If you are suffering from female sexual health issues, you are not alone. Your relationship no longer has to suffer because of these issues. We offer natural remedies which can aid you through this process. Let us show you how.

Heaving female sexual arousal problems? Her-Libido website the best female libido enhancer in the market supply Germany Sex Drops to help increase sex drive or Germany Sex Drops is a very good female libido enhancer and it is far better than Spanish Fly.

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If we took a proper well balanced diet which contained all the nutrition then we would never be deficient of any vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants. We would get them from our food resources and would never have to complain.

Unfortunately diets are imperfect and women are not as healthy as they could be. That's the reason why doctors recommend multivitamin supplements as fundamental to overall health and wellness. If everything was perfect we would all eat a balanced diet consisting of at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, whole grains, low-fat dairy and high quality, lean meat, poultry, or fish.

Ideally we should eat fresh from the farm, preferably organic foods that are rich in nutrients, coming from soil not contaminated by harmful pesticides and toxins. Fresh foods should not be further depleted by preservatives and long-transit times.

The question is how women should choose the right kinds of health products for optimum wellness from the wide variety of vitamin products and supplements available today.

Of course we all know that vitamins, minerals, herbals and other health supplements are not a substitute for any medication and the doctor's guidance. They can still be very helpful in certain health issues.

One of the simplest things you can do today is taking top quality supplements each day. But you should be careful not to overdo it for the simple reason that there are possible risks associated with taking higher than recommended doses of some vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements. The best thing is read and follow label directions.

Women should go for a multivitamin that is specially formulated to support their specific nutritional needs. Choose a multivitamin that is highly absorbent nutritional supplement specially formulated to offer a potent and effective alternative to traditional mass manufactured multivitamins.

Look for these things in a Multivitamin:

High Nutritional Value-Look for a multivitamin with good nutrition content because that will good health. There are formulated multivitamins that fill our nutritional gaps using the most nutritionally dense and beneficial foods.

Ultra Potent-The multivitamin should use only high quality naturally occurring vitamins and minerals that are absorbed easily by the body. For example Super Green Foods like Spirulina, Chlorella and Green Barley.

Easy Absorption-They should be easily absorbed by the body. For instance natural enzymes like Bromelain and Papain aid absorption.

Natural-Ensure the multivitamins contain nothing else but only the highest quality natural ingredients. No unnecessary additives, fillers, colors, or dyes. It should also be free of food allergens like wheat, dairy, corn, soy etc.

Safe-Last but not the least, the products should be safe.

While selecting vitamins check for a balanced daily formula, especially one that is blended so that all the ingredients work together in harmony. It would also be beneficial to include a a protein shake and a fish oil capsule in your daily diet.

However if you are you expecting a baby or lactating, use caution when taking any kind of womens health supplements. It is always better to consult your physician first. He might probably prescribe a prenatal vitamin that is specially formulated for pregnancy.

Similarly if you are going through any medication it is good to talk to your doctor before you try any women's health supplements. Your doctor may not want you taking both at once. So go ahead and choose good multivitamins to maintain your body´s overall health.

Women health supplements should contain multivitamins with the highest quality natural ingredients. Choose supplements that are formulated with multivitamins that fill nutritional gaps. For supplements and vitamins that promote optimal health, visit http://www.goodelements.com.

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Women of all ages should visit their gynecologists for an annual physical examination to maintain optimum health. If they are sexually active, their annual physical should include a Pap smear test, which is a test that detects cervical cancer. The Pap smear has played an enormous role in decreasing the cervical cancer rate among young women. In addition, women between the ages of 40 and 50 should include mammograms along with their annual physicals. When women cross the age 50, they should include testing for colorectal cancer along with their physical examination.

Parents especially mothers, should teach their adolescent daughters about self-examination for breast cancer. Early awareness helps young women detect breast cancer in the early stages. All women should follow the below mentioned tips for healthy living. Mothers should follow these as well as educate their daughters about healthy lifestyles, so both mother and child grow to have healthier and longer lives.

Women of all ages need the mineral calcium in their body. Research suggests that the Post Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) including cramps can be reduced by 50% if proper calcium supplementation is followed. Osteoporosis after menopause can also be reduced drastically if proper daily calcium supplementation is followed. The menopausal women can reduce hot flashes and night sweats by taking vitamin E 400-800 mg per day. This also helps them protect their immune system and cardiovascular health.

If a woman is considering having children, then folic acid supplementation reduces the chances of them giving birth babies with birth defects. Stress is also one of the major factors that affect women's health. Research has shown that women can add few more healthy years to their life by finding ways to reduce stress. One of the proven ways to reduce stress is practicing yoga for 20 - 30 minutes a day.

The chances of having hormonal imbalance increases after a woman reaches the age 30, so if you are at this age range, talk to your doctor so that he/she can recommend a prescription for over the counter hormone supplements. Visits to dentists should also be done once in at least six months to keep your mouth clean and maintain your beautiful smile to help you look younger. Quit or avoid smoking completely, as well as drinking alcohol. Try to drink at least eight ounces of water everyday. Drinking water prevents your body from dehydration and helps flush the impurities from the body. When going out in the sun use proper sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful rays of the sun, potential skin cancer, and heat strokes. Unless you are in a single healthy relationship, always use a condom and practice safe sex. This helps reduce the chances of developing cervical cancer and other sexually transmitted diseases. Also, try to integrate exercise for 20-30 minutes everyday to lessen your chances of developing heart related illnesses while giving you more energy everyday.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Women's Issues [http://women-issues-guide.com]

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For years the debate has raged on about the benefits and drawbacks of modern farming techniques. Industrial agriculture or "hyper-farming" has resulted in giant strides in crop yield, but many claim nutrient content - and thus their total nutritional value to humans - has been suffering.

The average yield in terms of bushels per acre for major crops in the US has sky rocketed since the 1950's. Corn is up 342%! Wheat is up 290% while both Soy beans and Alfalfa are up about 170%. Similar sorts of yield gains have occurred in Europe, Australia, Japan and other regions of the world as well.

Data presented by researchers from the Department of Soil Sciences at the University of Wisconsin Madison shows that while these great advances in crop yield have occurred in the last 50 years nutrient content has been under siege and declining. Similarly, a review of data published by the USDA's ARC Nutrient Data Laboratory shows "a sharp decline in the minerals, vitamins and other nutrients in foods since the last comprehensive survey", about 20 years ago.


Recent data published by Dr. David Thomas, a primary healthcare practitioner and independent researcher, looked at the difference between UK governments published tables for nutrient content published in 1940 and again in 2002. The comparison was eye-opening. It showed that the iron content of 15 different varieties of meat had decreased 47%. Dairy products had shown similar falls; a 60% drop in iron and up to a 90% drop in copper.


It is true that in the modern world of the industrial nations, fruits and vegetables availability is at an all time high. If we want it, it's there. On the other hand despite this increased availability, fruit and vegetable consumption has not increased in the population. Indeed in many population sub-groups it has declined. When this knowledge is coupled to the reported declines in nutrient levels in foods, it has many healthcare providers, scientists, researchers and government officials looking for answers as to how we can hope to sustain the nutritional value and balance of our foods while needing to produce more and more from the same soils to feed an ever-growing population. So far the path ahead is uncertain at best.


Tea and Ovarian Cancer Risk: researchers at the karolinska Institute Division of Nutritional Epidemiology in Stockholm, Sweden conducted a 15 year follow-up study of more than 61,000 women aged 40 to 76. Their evidence, published in the archives of Internal Medicine (2005; 165 (22): 2683-2686) showed that those women who consumed tea on a regular basis had a dramatically lower risk for ovarian cancer. Tea drinkers who averaged less than one cup per day equaled an 18% risk reduction. One or more cups per day provided a 24% risk reduction and 2 or more cups a day showed a 46% risk reduction. As you might expect, these findings prompted the researchers to conclude "Results suggest that tea consumption is associated with a reduced risk of ovarian cancer."

Soy and Women Health: Publishing their work in the January 15, 2006 issue of Cancer Research, a team of researchers from West Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA concluded that soy phytoestrogens may protect against breast cancer risk in post menopausal women. According to researchers from John Hopkins University presenting data at the November 15, 2005 meeting of the American Heart Association, consuming soy protein (20 grams per day for 6 weeks) reduced two strong indicators for coronary heart disease in postmenopausal African American women. The result show that LDL-cholesterol and another cholesterol marker known as LDL-P (P=particle number) were decreased in women taking soy protein, regardless of age or race.


Solomon is from Nigeria, and is married with two children. He is a Solution provider in any problem you may have. He is an Info.Tech. specialist.


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Vintage Hairstyling: Retro Styles with Step-by-Step TechniquesThere was something very special and beautiful about women in the early- to mid-20th century. The way they dressed was elegant and the way they wore their hair was feminine. This book shows how to create so many of those hairstyles by taking hairstyles from the 1930s, 40s, 50s, and 60s and breaking them down into simple, easy-to-follow instructions. It uses brand new photographs and detailed directions. Not only a manual, it is also fun to read. The Finished Styles chapter of the book contains coffee table book quality images of models with their finished hairstyles. Sprinkled in introductions and throughout the book are interesting facts about the history of hairstyling, origins of styles, and information about starlets and performers who made the styles popular. This 200-page full-color book has 6 main chapters. The book begins with the basics of styling and works its way back to advanced techniques. It also provides information on makeup, nails, and accessories for a finished look.

Price: $36.95

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Women are the strength of a house so she should be fit and healthy in order to manage all of the activities of daily life. Womens health is very important for a healthy world so if you are also undergoing any kind of problem then you must read this article thoroughly to change your lifestyle. The first and foremost to be considered to remain healthy and fit is to pay proper attention towards her diet. As we all know, it should start with balance. A balanced diet has a small portion allotted for red meat, high calorie foods or high fat food because these generate fatigue, laziness and give birth to a lot of diseases. High calorie foods and fatty foods must be replaced with the high fiber, low fat foods such as fruits and vegetables. If you are taking fiber then it will be easier to digest fibrous and fruits and vegetables will provide the proper amount of minerals and vitamins in your body.

Drinking plenty of water would play a vital role in developing womens health and one who is not doing it is actually increasing the probability for kidney stones in her body. Water also helps in reducing impurities in your body and keeps you from tiredness. It gives a new radiance to your face which enhances your beauty to a great extent and drinking 8 glasses per day is a minimum requirement. Vitamins and mineral supplementation is an essential need for you to maintain your health status for your whole life. Women are advised to focus on intake of calcium and iron to a large extent as calcium helps in enhancing your bone strength. As far as iron is concerned it is absolutely helpful for keeping menstruating women fit and fine who are facing excessive blood loss during this time of month.

Womens health largely depends upon the lifestyle which she is living with such as if she is a smoker then she should cut it down gradually, thereby increasing the gap between intakes of cigarettes.

David Drennan is a famous writer who comprises several dedicated years of experience on providing the content on various ultimate and advanced traditions for living well. He also covers topics ranging from natural living, natural remedies, quick healthy meals, health and wellness, inspirational stories, spirituality to work and family. For more information visit Womens Health.

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As a woman, it is very important that you educate yourself in every facet of women's health, because it covers a broad spectrum right from general health down to the narrower focus of reproductive health. Women's health is a big issue from pregnancy to infections, to infertility

When it comes to health, men and women experience and react to various conditions differently. Both need to engage in preventative measures as this improves their quality of life.

The subject of women's health is a growing issue. There is lots of information out there relative to this topic which can make things a little confusing but as you go through it you will find that the fundamentals remain the same.

There are also numerous products out there to help women overcome various health challenges but you should always educate yourself about what you are taking. The internet is a wonderful tool to do this. There are lots of forums and communities out there where women discuss products they have used and what benefits or drawbacks they experienced while taking them

Like anything else, it is all about getting the right information. So you may need to dig deep and always double check for various official references.

As we all know, what you eat is very important when it comes to your health. Shockingly, some of the most important ingredients necessary to have a healthy diet are more often then not in short supply in the foods that we eat on a daily basis.

The good news is that healthy foods are readily available in your local grocery store but you may need to make an extra effort to find them. It's funny how they seem to display the nutrient-robbing foods more prevalently over that of the healthy foods.

Women have many health issues to deal with such as breast cancer for example. It is very important as a woman that you do regular mammograms as a preventative measure. As per usual exercise is important and it is also essential that you develop good habits. Such as drinking plenty of water, eating fresh food such as fruit and veggies and in general having a balanced diet.

Remember, prevention is always better than a cure. Regular exercise and good eating habits will do a lot to improve your lifestyle and self image. It will also help with your mental health and general outlook on life and along with this regular exercise has been proven to reduce the severity of menstrual cramps.

Finally, another key element to health is sleep. Sleep deprivation is not good for you and there are numerous studies out there that report on the various health issues that can arise due to lack of sleep. In conclusion, eat healthy, exercise and get routine check ups for maximum health.

Get more womens health & wellness tips at Mens-Womens-Health.org

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Women Intimate Support (60 tabs) - Nutritional support for women's libido issuesNutritional support for women's libido issues. The formula includes a host of B vitamins and supplements to support energy. The amino acid L-arginine also improves circulation. Several phytonutrients have been included to further enhance circulation and energy. One of the primary phytonutrients is Epimedium also known as Horney Goat Weed, which may influence levels of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine and reduce cortisol levels.

Price: $28.00

Click here to buy from Amazon

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When it comes to Women's health and nutrition, there are some specific health issues and nutritional needs just for women.

There are a few medical conditions that are of great concern to a women's health like heart disease, breast cancer, and osteoporosis. Statistics show that heart disease is the leading killer of both men and women. Although more men die of heart disease than women, females tend to be under diagnosed, often to the point that it's too late to help them once the condition is discovered.

Recent findings show that breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, and is second to lung cancer as the leading cause of death for women. You can prevent many kinds of cancer by simply controlling your weight, exercising, and quitting smoking.

There are steps women and teen girls can take to avoid osteoporosis, as it is largely preventable. Your body will do what it can to repair bone damage, but you have to provide the tools for it to do its job. Adequate calcium and vitamin D consumption and weight-bearing physical activity are a must throughout your life.

Women's nutrition is essential to preventing most of the top health issues found in women. The nutrients that women need to pay most attention to are iron, particularly if pre-menopausal, calcium, and folic Acid just to name a few. The great news is you can stay ahead of the game and it all can be prevented.

Some of the essential nutritional requirements and dietary needs for women's optimal health are to get the recommended servings of the major food groups, follow a nutritious diet, get the correct amount of calories for energy, exercise regularly, and take additional vitamins and minerals to supplement their diet as most of the foods consumed in this day and age have little to no nutritional value.

Women's Health and Nutrition is a short summary of the health problems that can occur if you avoid taking care of your health and don't pay attention to what is going into your body. If you want to get on the right path to preventing many of the diseases mentioned above, take the first step toward that goal of optimal Health and Nutrition today!

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Type in a couple of womens health fitness keywords into Google or any one of the many search engines and what do you get? You get some great sites related to womens health fitness and more

There are tons of womens health fitness websites some are little more than advertisements but many others provide a terrific supply of information relating to womens issues. Scientific research, data from studies, health conditions, nutrition, and fitness, as well as prevention and treatment information.

It's important for women to get accurate information about issues that directly relate to their health and that includes the latest on womens health fitness. What was thought the best advice only a year or so ago has now been improved.

For example today it is a well known fact that women suffer heart attacks at the same rate as men but they often present differently to emergency wards to many go undiagnosed. It has also bee shown that womens health fitness is critical to keeping women healthier especially after menopause when their natural protection dwindles.

Studies have also shown that women health fitness can make a big difference in a womens ability to maintain here weight. It seems after 40 women get the privilege of a few extra pounds suddenly appearing around the waste line and so with some proper exercise routines you can better defy mother nature.

Womens health fitness is finally getting the same attention that mens has for decades. Suddenly we realize that besides helping to keep the pounds off women also need to make sure that they are taking care of their cardio workouts.

This brings us to another subject - weight loss. For many women this is an ongoing battle that's not easy to resolve. Many would love to convince you that you need all kinds of diet pills to lose those pounds when really what you need is much simpler. You need to ensure that the calories you are burning exceed the calories you are taking in.

There are plenty of excellent health fitness resource sites for women and there are just as many terrific magazines that are full of helpful exercise tips, nutritional tips, and all kinds of tips to have you looking and feeling great. And isn't that what all women want? To look and feel their best?

Women may a great deal more attention to how they look and feel then men do. In general women are much more in tune to the signals their bodies are sending them and they are also much more interested in health fitness and how it affects their overall well being.

Men are more interested in fitness to great a buff, polished look although slowly they are beginning to recognize and understand the value of a cardio workout. Women on the other hand have long understood how their health fitness and their overall well being were directly related. And for one to have a terrific overall well being they needed to have a good health fitness ethic.

So the only question that remains is which type of health fitness program best suits your own personal lifestyle and goals.

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Ladies, your role is to be the caregiver and your family and friends depend on you to care for their needs but there is someone you often forget. Yes, it is you. If you do not take good care of yourself, you will not be capable of caring for those who depend on you. Nutrition is one way you can nurture yourself and bring up your energy level. Proper nutrition not only gives you the energy you need but it will also help your body fight against illness. You know that they say, the best cure is in the prevention.

Women who eat regularly scheduled balanced diets high in fiber, vitamins and nutrition will probably not need to take food supplements or multivitamins each day but often today's woman is pushed to the limit having to run a household, raise children, hold down a job and keep everything in order. That leaves little time to properly prepare and eat scheduled balanced nutritious meals. If this happens too often it will lead to feeling run down and eventually illness. Most women just cannot afford to be laid up with colds or worse. Multivitamins may be a good addition for her daily food intake.

There are a few necessary steps every woman needs to take to insure she will have a healthy body and enough energy to handle the hectic lifestyle she must lead.

1) Exercise is a key factor in building up strength and energy levels. This can be something other than spending hours in a gym. It can be fun things like dance aerobics or daily walks that not only help her get oxygen into her lungs but give her time to think or meditate. A consistent effort will do wonders and serves as nature's way of fighting depression. Try to exercise in some way about four days out of the week.

2) Spend some time doing things that you want to do rather than constantly doing what everyone else expects from you. You might like to spend some time doing volunteer work or taking a cooking course or maybe pursuing a creative hobby. Go out for dinner or lunch and let someone else serve you. It is good for the soul.

3) Spend some time with your friends building good relationships. If you enjoy Bible study groups or taking classes or perhaps a book club to discuss the latest books may be more your cup of tea. Maybe you would enjoy just a couple hours with friends catching up over lunch. The idea is to take time to relax and enjoy the company of others now and then. Adult conversation does wonders for the mother of young children.

4) Keeping a journal might be important for you as a way to express things that are on your mind. Once you being journaling your thoughts and feelings, you can take a little time now and then to look back and see what was on your mind. Part of your journaling process can be a daily list of what you eat. If you are trying to shed some excess pounds you might be amazed what you eat in the course of a day. If your choices are not nutritious, this is a good way to plan how to exchange some unhealthy foods for ones that will give you the vitamins and nutrients your body needs.

5) If you have followed these tips you have cared for your mind and emotional health as well as your body by eating healthy foods and exercising. One of the most important ways to care for yourself is to tend to your spiritual health. Meditation once a day will not only bring you peace of mind and keep you connected to your 'higher self' but will keep you younger. Researchers have found that those who meditate on a regular basis look and feel younger than those who do not. Remember, caring for your soul is just as important as caring for your mind and body.

Learn about healthy foods and how they not only make your body healthier but are a natural way to prevent diseases. Detailed information on the nutritional value and how certain foods can even burn fat. There are several lists of foods in different categories as well as information about vitamins, antioxidants and more.

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