Pregnancy is a gradual process. It starts at conception and ends at birth. There are many stages in between conception and birth, and each has distinct characteristics. The stages of pregnancy are usually divided into trimesters.
During the first trimester, an expectant mother may experience a variety of symptoms, such as frequent urination, tiredness, enlargement and other changes to the breasts, nausea and vomiting, among other symptoms. Towards the end of this trimester, the baby inside the uterus will have grown to the size of a cherry, and the uterus to the size of a grapefruit. The baby will have developed from being a mass of cells to having the capability of moving its limbs, and acquiring reflexes and heartbeat. During this time, healthy diet and regular exercise is recommended. Exercises help prepare the mother for a healthy birth, and also keep the baby safe.
During the second trimester, the belly will become more swollen and pronounced. Any vomiting, nausea, and tiredness will persist. The expectant mother may become aware of greater discomfort, experience frequent contractions, and have sleeping problems. During this time, the baby will have grown hair over its whole body and will have developed sensitivity to touch, and practice kicking movements. The baby will be about 30cm in length and weigh an average of 300 grams.
The third and last trimester comes with huge changes to the mother's body. The belly will be extremely big, and the breasts will also have increased in size. There will be a persistent urge to urinate and appetite will fall. The baby will have grown all the major body parts and the kicking movements will be very frequent. This is the best time to start preparing the amenities for the baby and to attend maternity classes. Towards the end, labor pains will start occurring on and off, then eventually birth.