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Prevention of Yeast Infections - 7 Top Tips to Prevent Candida

Posted by viona diana On - - 0 comments

The prevention of yeast infections, particularly recurring infections that can cause serious health problems, is an important objective that can be tackled through mainstream treatments or natural remedies, or, a combination of both. First though, it's important to get to know what actually causes yeast infections (Candida)...

Yeast infections are mostly caused by the Candida albicans fungus that, under some circumstances, can overgrow into a state that causes the Candida symptoms. The fungus occurs naturally in the body, particularly in the warm, moist areas, but it is normally managed and kept in check by the body's beneficial bacteria.

When your good bacteria fail to do this the Candida fungus can spread and overgrow into an actual infection. The underlying causes for this situation are a compromised immune system, too low levels of beneficial bacteria, too much sugar in the body, changes in hormone levels and some drugs.

The most common type of infection is vaginal yeast infection. This is usually treated with creams and pessaries, etc., that are bought over-the-counter, or through prescription. These can work to rid you of the symptoms over time, but around fifty percent of women will have more than one infection with many of those having repeat infections that can lead to serious health issues.

But there are many natural things you can do to help in the prevention of yeast infections in the vagina. Here are 9 top tips that you can use to help you prevent Candida:-

(1) Eat lots of natural yogurt that doesn't have sugar, fruit or any other additives. The tub should say that it contains live active cultures, or some such note. This type of yogurt contains good bacteria -- Lactobacillus acidophilus -- that can help to fight the Candida fungus in your gut. Plus, dip a plain, un-scented tampon in the yogurt and leave in overnight. Repeat until your symptoms have abated.

(2) Avoid scented feminine products such as scented sprays, tampons, panty liners, pads and douches, etc. These type of products can alter your vaginal pH which is another trigger for yeast infections. Their chemicals can also irritate vaginal soft tissue which is another way in which the fungus can spread.

(3) After swimming, bathing or showering always use a clean, soft, dry towel to dry the vaginal area. Don't rub too briskly, just pat dry to prevent irritation. And make sure you are completely dry, as the fungi love moisture and warmth.

(4) Fungi can often be found in the rectum, having moved there from the intestines. So make sure never to wipe from back to front after using the toilet. Always wipe from front to back.

(5) Wear cotton panties rather than synthetic ones. Synthetic fibers trap air and moisture which are exactly the kind of conditions that Candida albicans just loves.

(6) For a similar reason, it is advisable to avoid wearing tight undergarments including pantyhose. Wear loose-fitting cotton underwear. And wear cotton underwear underneath pantyhose, if you must wear pantyhose.

(7) Remembering that moist, warm areas are what the Candida fungi favors, avoid wearing underpants, pyjama bottoms, etc. in bed at night. Wear a night-gown instead, or nothing at all.

The above 7 tips on how to prevent Candida are a good grounding to set you on your way to preventing recurring yeast infections. But they are only the start. There are other vital issues that need to be addressed such as your diet, lifestyle, medications you take, medical conditions you may have, etc.

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