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Ruptured Ovarian Cyst Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Posted by viona diana On - - 0 comments

In some cases, an ovarian cyst can rupture, especially when it is not found early on. We name it a ruptured ovarian cyst.

Most of the cysts on ovaries are benign, that means they are not cancerous, many of them disappear in several weeks just by themselves. When it happens and your cyst on ovary does rupture, it causes severe pain, but very often also serious medical difficulties. Very likely it is going to have an impact on your health causing perilous disorders that will require medical attention.

Rupture of a cyst can happen without symptoms, or the symptom can be sudden abdominal pain on one side of the abdomen. This sudden pain often starts during grueling physical activity, e. g. during exercising or sexual intercourse. The pain could be accompanied by vaginal bleeding of various strength, because ovarian hormones secrete, with the endometrium that sloughs.

Following the rupture of an ovarian cyst, it is common for the abdomen to be distended and for it to be particularly tender. This painful condition is often also linked to haemorrhage (heavy bleeding), and it is often accompanied with bloating and abdominal pain. That happens more when the woman is taking anticoagulant medications (e. g. Warfarin). The loss of blood can cause temporary pale skin look or anaemia.

Basically, the most common ruptured ovarian cyst symptom is pain. A woman whose cyst ruptured may experience pain associated with their menstrual cycle - in particular, pain may escalate just prior to or just after the menstrual period. If the woman did not feel any pain associated with her cyst, then the pain after the rupture will be intensely apparent.

Other symptoms to identify your medical condition, more general ones, can be nausea, vomiting and fever. Patients whose cyst has ruptured may experience weakness, dizziness or fainting. These are very important symptoms to signal internal bleeding. On top of that, it is also important to mention your current conditions you have been treated for - they can help to identify your condition too. It could be extremely high or low blood pressure that you normally do not suffer for, that can be additional indicator of a diagnoses.

Once your condition has been stabilized, your doctor may want to continue running tests to understand your condition more fully. You are likely to have regular abdominal examinations, both manual and by ultrasound. Less usual and more detailed for diagnose and/or treatment are laparoscopy or surgery. Haemorrhagic cysts (heavily bleeding cysts) often require the surgery.

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